Monday, October 11, 2010

Cornell Ballroom Competition

Hello Darlings,

This past weekend, the Binghamton Ballroom Dance Team drove up to Ithaca, New York to compete at a competition that Cornell University was hosting. I always enjoy competing and I have fun, but this past competition was one of the best that I have been to so far. Not only was I in great company (as always) but I danced really well with my new partner. Because he was new to the team, I danced a level lower than what I normally compete in but I was so proud of him because he danced really well and we did an awesome job!

Some highlights include:
Seeing all the new team members win multiple ribbons
Winning first place in the Back-to-Back Tango Fun Dance
Meeting everyone at 5:30am in the parking lot to drive up together
Competing in the Newcomer Level and Bronze Level
(translation: getting off the floor and then going right back on)

Now I'm just counting down the days until he team goes to Nationals in Ohio!

Eternally yours,


Closet Fashionista said...

Yayyy how fun! :) Congrats

daisychain said...

Wow, it looks amazing :)

Maddy said...

So fun!! So jealous that you know how to tango! In my head, I can do a fierce argentine tango ;o)

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Very cool! Congrats on the winning, and glad you had a great time :)