Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hat Head

So now that my crazy year has pretty much wound down, I promise to be more dedicated to this blog. I've realized that I've only been doing about one post a week for the past two weeks. Not cool. My ballroom competition planning is all finished and I had my Children's Dance Theater Recital on Saturday (by the way, my dress rehearsal was canceled on Friday morning due to the heavy snowfall so I didn't have to wake up early that morning; the rest of my classes were canceled as well!)

I still am going to be busy as I have to keep up with school, work,studying, and dance practices. Plus, I just joined the gym so I have another thing that I need to keep up with :)

Working on Eternally Fashionably Late

My outfit today was pretty simple. I woke up an hour early before my lab today so I could finish up some last minute homework and straighten my hair. The homework part got done fairly easily, however I ran out of time to finish doing my hair, hence the hat. I wore my favorite jeans and a new shirt that I've rarely worn since coming back from winter break. It was hard to capture the details so I took an extreme closeup so it would be a little more visible. It's a simple knit shirt but I love the buttons on both sleeves; it reminds me of a military based design, and also the built in layer on the neckline.

I am wearing: Hat: H&M ($5); Shirt: BCBG (Christmas gift); Jeans: Old Navy (Given to me by Meg)

Also, did anyone watch The Bachelor last night? What were your thoughts on Jake's final pick? I must admit that watching the show is a complete guilty pleasure; screaming at the T.V. with Meg is so much fun that I cannot even begin to explain! I embarrassed myself when I found out Jake is going to be on Dancing With The Stars. So excited!!

Have a lovely day!


Couture Carrie said...

Really cute look!
Love your hat!


Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

cute beanie! i kinda envy the east coast and their snow, we pretty much skipped over winter here in la...

btw--totally surprised her pick vienna, was hoping the tabloid rumors were false =/

daisychain said...

lovely outfit, you really suit the hat!

Maddy said...

Reality TV is my guilty pleasure too, but unfortunately, I don't follow The Bachelor. Dancing with the Stars is coming soon though ;o)

Anonymous said...

I like the hat!
and thanks for stopping by ;D

Leia said...

Sometimes simple outfits are the cutest! :)

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Very cute!! The beanie looks really adorable! xoxoxoxo

S.Elisabeth said...

Aw you look adorable! ah and I know how you feel. My year's starting to wind down as well. Three hours practices for swimming have tapered down to one and soon it'll be over til summer! Good luck with dance!