Hey Everyone,
I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years! Amid making New Years Resolutions and shopping for clothes for my internship (an outfit post is on it’s way, I swear,) it’s nice to sit back and reflect on the year passed and for the year to come. Personally, I’ve never been one to keep up with any resolutions I state, if I even make some. Here is my attempt at making more realistic ones and keeping the list small and simple. These resolutions are nothing tangible and the success and or failure of them can't be documented. I'm just going to try my best to remind myself to do these things. I heard that writing goals down helps you accomplish them because they are out of your head and are a daily reminder. So here goes.
2011 Resolutions:
- Take more pictures.
- Organize everything. Blog. Room. Closet. Folders, labels, and boxes oh my.
- To stop eating after dinner. No snacks. No little nibbles here and there. Nothing.
- Read more books for myself, not because I have to for school.
- Stay in better contact with friends. Anytime. Anywhere.
- Do one (1) thing that scares the shit out of me.
Some people don't believe in New Years Resolutions and some people actually hate New Years and find it to be too over-hyped. While I agree that it creates unnecessary pressure to look perfect, be at the perfect party, and to have that perfect midnight kiss, I say embrace New Years. While it's moments throughout the year that matter it is the start of a new year - when you look back at special memories you remember it in that year, so why not want to celebrate the end of one year and hope for the best for the next year? Whether your at a huge party with confetti suffocating you or at a small get together with close friends, enjoy yourself. I think it's okay to dive into the hype for that one night hope for the best for the upcoming year. I try to keep that hope alive everyday, create small goals throughout the months, and try to better myself everyday. I might not always succeed but hey, that's why I have resolutions to fall back on.
Eternally yours,
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Happy New Year! Good luck with your resolutions xox
Good luck with all your resolutions!! Organization is at the top of my list too :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Great resolutions :D :D
I like your resolutions! I think I definitely need to do the organizing thing better this year, heh.
Hehe I am one of those people who hate New Years. It's just the pressure to have an amazing night and plans never really work out like I hope for.
Great resolutions. Your #6 scares me just thinking about doing scary stuff like conquering a fear lol!
I have only stuck to one resolution ever - two years ago I became a vegetarian. I didn't really set a time for myself, was just thinking a year and I accomplished that. Two years later I only eat fish and chicken :)
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